For most of us who live fast-paced or time-constrained lives, it's quite often that we tend to overlook the nutritional content of what we eat, especially for those who dine on fast-food restaurants. Freshly prepared, homemade hearty recipes might be an inconvenience if we're always on the go, so we find our fast-prepared lunch or dinner with high contents of artificial ingredients, excess carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats. So there's a need for consciousness, not only for good taste, but also for a healthy and balanced diet and well-being.
Wouldn't it be a good idea to have a twist for healthier balance? How about sumptuous veggie salads?
At least every dinner, I try to make vegetable salads at home to complement almost any main dish cooked by my mom or sister. Sometimes, I also make fruit juices and shakes. Greens combined with the bright colors of vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, peppers, or carrots, make every meal look like fine dining.
Preparing salads is quite easy, with just a bit of inspiration and creativity, it's also like drawing or making a painting. Experiment with the many unique flavors, colors, aroma, and texture of vegetables, then toss and mix them with flavorful dressings, and you'll be delighted with the results.
Chop the greens and other ingredients in a way that they could absorb the dressing's flavor well, and which can make them look more appetizing. If desired, chill the salad a few minutes before serving. For dressings, variations of olive or sesame oil, honey, mustard sauce, sugar, dash of lemon, orange concentrate, or soy sauce can be used.
Happy salad making!