23 May 2011


Hello Monday! This is the start of a brand new week, just trying to catch up, and give another update. Here's a brand new gouache paint set I bought yesterday. :)

16 May 2011

6th Update

Hopefully, this would be the start of my long-awaited project since college days. God had given me a lot of time these days to plan this upcoming study, it's been three years since I really wanted to explore creativity, so here's the rough draft of my paper. I'll be needing lots of journal articles and books for this subject and I'm very excited to start writing and studying again! :)  
*(and I included a list of my needed things these days - just another way of keeping myself organized and planning ahead of time)

10 May 2011

5th Update


03 May 2011

4th Update

God had taken you away from me. Goodbye Boris. Thank you. I will miss you.

- Love, Maica

02 May 2011

3rd Update

For the longest time, I have always viewed people to be individuals, as having the capacities to think, to surpass limitations, to achieve intellectual refinement, and to contribute ideas and inventions for the benefit of making this world a better place...and then a catastrophe hit me.

Beyond my ideals, I learned that there are people who should never be trusted, people who are not always willing to be good. I can't believe that they would still choose to stick to being liars and hypocrites, to their perversion and promiscuity and how they would constantly manipulate others for the sake of satisfying their own desires. I never thought that I will be subjected to that kind of situation - that there will be people who will not see me as an individual, but simply as a gendered object and a brainless robot confined within the dictated roles of an immoral society. It remains as a very sad truth when all the while, I believed in the eradication of sexual stereotypes. I will never allow myself to be under the mercy of their own programmed biases and scrutiny.

In my own hands, I will do my best to fight those immoral people - they, who spread their stink, lying, deceiving, manipulating people, stealing what is not theirs, exploiting women, and destroying the innocence of faultless children. 

I am coming back to my old self. I am by myself, but I am strong. I am an observer, a student, an individual who strives to achieve excellence. I am apart and I am against this stinking immorality and deception.

God willing, God will never leave me, He will always guide me and will protect me in this journey.

2nd Update

I'm quite busy and haven't got too much time to have prolonged sleep. As soon as I finished dinner and washed the plates, I want to take rest and grab a book while I wait for my eyes to close. It's the normal, everyday routine of my life since. After a day of work, I need an all-time-for-myself to rest, think about the day, and plan for the next day's activities.

I also bring Boris, my white Persian cat everyday when I go to work and bond with him if there aren't too many distractions and customers. I groom him and feed him well so he'll grow up fast. The only problem that I have is how to teach him how to put his dirt on litter box. It is quite a chore for me to clean his dirt and even though I hate the thought of of panicking over little things, I feel a bit pressured when everyone in the house explodes when they smell my cat's dirt - whether they see it on the dining area, below the staircases, or behind the sofa. So hopefully, he'll learn how to properly clean his dirt as he grows up. As often as I can, I want to give him a bath, as his coat gets thicker now, and I plan of buying a comb, catnip sachet and lots of Whiskas® (the supply is running short as of this time). 

I'm also glad to have my A Thousand Suns album from Linkin Park, the third in the row of my LP collection. I noticed that every track has a form of continuity and as the album progresses, I have a certain feeling that a story  is being told - though this time, in more abstract terms - motifs that delve deeper into a cycle of life - truth most often denied or repressed altogether. Loss, pain, regret, revenge, redemption, and victory in the end. That's certainly how a collective progresses - just as an individual transcends a particular battle in life - and then goes on forward to wage onto the next war field - each progression makes a warrior "a tough act to follow.". 

A track from the album is featured on the upcoming movie, Transformers: Dark of The Moon. The somber intro and the anthemic flow of the track, 'Iridescent', enhances the storyline effect. I'm excited for this LP project, and they actually did the soundtracks for the first two films, Transformers 1 and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

I'm coming home to what I've always been since I was a child and sticking to my own principles - that is, I will keep on the fight, this time, with steadiness and a headstrong bravery.

Whereas before, I allowed my enemies to define me, the brave warrior will never allow that to happen again. I will never have second thoughts to lash out at anyone - whoever he or she is, in case he or she will dare cross the limits of insulting, degrading, or defining me as a person. and I will slap that person or wage a planned attack against those group of people - straight in the face so there will be no next time of personally degrading me. I will teach them lessons they will never forget.
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