25 February 2021

New Entry

Hello, it's almost two years since I last wrote a text entry here and since that last post, I guess, it would be self-explanatory to say that many things had happened since then. There had been significant, let's say, wins or successes and they are noteworthy, although they may seem to be not to others. I also remember writing on my notebook, an unfinished entry where I described several rejection experiences which made me question a lot about where I am supposed to be- those rejections were by people who proved to lack the courage to tell me upfront the reasons why.

But anyway, that was two years ago, and looking back, during the span of months starting the end of 2018 until mid-2019, the turn of events made sense to me, and relating it to the plans of a Higher Power, the events that transpired not only made sense but are well-planned. I had to wait for a lot of years and endure a lot of hardships in almost all aspects of my life to realize where and to what I was really preparing for. 

Yes, I can say that I am happy, grateful, and was able to understand the many ways that fate had turned out to be, but at the same time, I cannot claim for any sort of entitlement or credit... simply because if there was one thing that I can be certain of to have learned all these past years- is to embrace the nature of uncertainty. Ahhh. Why am I writing these? It feels like, because of all these uncertainties, I am aware that there is a possibility that anything can happen within the span of a very short time unexpectedly. And that awareness is keeping me grounded on my feet, instead of assuming myself above a certain level of certainty.

Okay, that's it for now. I hope (fingers crossed) to be updating the space this year and also to add in some of the entries I wrote on my notebooks to fill in the gaps that were missing for 2019-2020. Sorry for the long absence.


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