04 February 2018

Kalalangan Kapampangan Experiment: Art Installation


(Hover and click each photo for detail)

Last evening, I was pleased to attend the opening ceremonies of an art exhibit organized at the Heritage District's Museum of Philippine Social History in my home city. For this month, I'm looking forward to attending local events during the National Arts Month which includes some film viewing, poetry recitals, and watercolor art competitions.


This year is hopefully going to be an eventful and busy year, as I find myself moving through the distress accumulated through the past year. It's good to think that these past few weeks of the beginning of the year had been productive, my research had been moving so far as I finished interviewing my respondents and on the process of data transcription, clinic patients are responding well to schedules and treatment, and so many other things are in line up for the coming months. I could only hope for the best and not merely think of days passing by without purpose. During my spare time, I'm becoming busy with gardening, cooking, writing, reading Julian Jaynes's book. I could recall this is what I had planned to do even years ago and it definitely proves that the life well-lived takes time, but it's worth it.
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