- Recite and reflect on the Qur'an.
- Perform prayers on time and night prayer vigils.
- Avoid doing prohibited actions, evil speech, spreading ill-will.
- Ignore base thoughts.
- Avoid wasting time on unimportant matters / activities.
- Increase Dhikr.
- Seek forgiveness (Istighfar) and repentance (Tawbah).
- Maintain good ties with people, especially with parents and family.
- Spread greetings of Salam.
- Give charity (including a good word or a smile to others).
- Seek refuge from the evil of oneself and protection from harmful / detrimental trials.
- Increase ones knowledge but maintain humility.
- Join congregations in prayer.
- Constantly seek nearness to Allah and pray Du'a.
- Be conscious of ones intentions and solely direct them sincerely (Ikhlas) to Allah.