30 June 2016

June Photo Snippets


(Hover and click each photo for detail)

June has been a rollercoaster month. After spending days on the month of May for my grad school practicum at a Drug Rehabilitation Center, I had to focus on selecting readings for my GR Book Challenge, writing a yet unfinished case study, doing errands, and most of all, handling the humdrum of emotional commitments from the very few people in my life. By the end of the month, three kittens arrived, and I named them Coffeemate, Cadbury and Hershey. They were given to me by a dear sister. Most of the foliage and bloom photos here were taken from our home garden.

The month of Ramadan is also drawing to a close, and I hope that all is going well for everyone and may the blessings that come along with it be felt on our hearts despite the turmoil of current events happening in and shaping our world.

14 June 2016


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